Monday, February 2, 2009

Moldy Beds and Bedded Moles

I am taking a stand: despite the fact that my other, main blag doesn't work, I will still write. Here, for the nonce. I think I might try to be more casual with this one.

I went shopping for clothes today, as my two pairs of pants are falling apart and were getting, frankly, embarrassing. My shopping took place at Value Village, where my mother gets a 40% discount on Mondays because she's over 55. I got five pairs of pants, a sweater, jacket, and shirt for forty bucks.

Here's where my insecurities enter the picture. I hate wearing new clothes (or y'know, new to me), because I always feel that everyone around me will judge me poorly because of them. I have no confidence in my sense of style (which may be non-existent). This is why I wear clothes until they wear out completely: they're horrible and tattered, but at least I know where I stand with them.

It's a fucking waste of mental and emotional energy, but I don't know how to just be comfortable and like what I like.

Saturday night I was cleaning out my room. I had been sleeping on an old futon set directly on the floor. I lifted it up to vacuum under the edges, and was greeted by the reek of mold. The entire bottom of the futon and the floor directly under it was soaking wet and covered in black growth. Foul foul foul disgusting. I threw the mattress away and cleaned up the mold in the carpet as best as I could. However, since then I've developed a stuffy nose and sore throat: I suspect it's related to the mold exposed to the air. I'm looking into getting a dehumidifier to help prevent mold from developing in the future--and let's just say I'm sleeping on a raised bed from here on out.


  1. Dude.

    Two nights ago I went to retrieve a pillow that had fallen off the side of my bed - COVERED in mold.


  2. Man. I so know what you mean.

    I mean, not specifically about the clothes. I think I long ago accepted that "style" is not numbered among my many senses.

    But I know that sense. The, "I feel this thing but I don't want to and I can't make it different and I also hate this lack of control over my internal space..." and so it goes.

    I'll admit, not having to worry about clothes is what has inspired me to wear pretty much the same thing all the time, every time I go out. Too bad my tangzhang's starting to get ratty.
