Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sense of Self

I had a fairly shitty day today, though I guess it started last night. These feelings have been building for a while, but just recently I've come to doubt my own character and integrity in a fundamental way. It's scary that I might not be the person I thought I was. That the people who know me might not consistantly tell me what they really think or that I might not listen when they do. I feel like I'm walking blind through the world, like I'm throwing out signals using technology I don't understand, and that I've never heard my messages played back.

This current perceived lack of self-awareness has made me interested in something I saw today on Boing Boing. To quote: "Since 1955, Jerry Davidson has obsessively written down everything he does during the day: visits to the store, telephone calls, meals, sex. Davidson has an impenetrable code, involving abbreviations and multiple colors of inks. A star on the top of a page means Jerry had a good day. Davidson never writes in the first person though, always in the third. He takes himself out of his experiences. His life is raw data."

I think this would be fascinating: to see myself through the data of my life. Of course, I would never create opinions of myself based solely on this data, but it could very well show me trends I normally don't perceive. It would be a way to look at myself through another filter, another lens, and would add to my collected knowledge of myself.

I would also be interested in other methods of developing self-awareness.

The lexicon and paradigm of sociolinguistics is slowly leaking into my life. Eli mentioned earlier today that a Spanish announcement on the bus didn't sound very announcementy, and my mind jumped to wondering about differences between unmarked speech in the register of announcements between Spanish-speaking and English-speaking speech communities. In this case I think it was just a poor recording, but I'm pleased that that's where my mind went. Maybe I'm actually getting a handle on this stuff after all.


  1. That all sounds very interesting, and also very... disconnected (the journal thing)? I don't feel very eloquent today :/

  2. Disconnected, like the entry is disjointed? No, I'm guessing, the journal thing seems disconnected from the self?

    If that's what you're getting at, then I totally agree. I think part of the appeal to me is to be able to look at myself through a disconnected, or uninvested, lens. Of course, like I said, it wouldn't be an end unto itself, and its use would be limited, and I would kill myself before I took it to the extreme like the guy did, but it would provide an interesting angle into the inner workings of the soul through the external workings of the body and mind.
